Moms Will Reclaim the Culture for Truth
Our Vote is Our Voice!
Election day is coming soon, be sure to register to vote!

Moms Will Reclaim the Culture for Truth
Our Vote is Our Voice!
Election day is coming soon, be sure to register to vote!
We believe moms are the key to reclaiming our culture for truth and no one should feel helpless in a government by the people and for the people. That’s why Moms for America created MomVote – to empower moms to find voter information quickly and easily. You can be part of this powerful movement of moms who won’t settle for anything less than the best for the children.
Click the graphic to download a PDF of the 2024 Presidential Voter Guide Comparison – On The Issues.
It’s time to take back America!
Stay Informed
Access the voter guide to discover your state’s upcoming election dates and the most recent candidate research to stay fully informed.
Amplify Training
Your Vote is Your Voice
So you’re registered to vote – and you are ready to change the direction this country is currently headed in. You know every vote counts. You know the “names” on the ballot, but you need to know so much more! So Moms for America Action has done some of the leg work for you. We have graded all 535 members of Congress on the critical issues facing the mothers in America.
They have also vetted the candidates that are running in the upcoming elections and found many that are worthy of endorsement. We reviewed candidates from School Board to Congress and they were reviewed on principles not politics, and positions not party affiliations. These endorsements are based on their current records and positions not future performance. The Congressional Report Card and Endorsed Candidates page will give you the insight you need to make educated decisions when you head to the polls!

Endorsing Candidates
from School Boards to Congress
Your Network – Your Voice – Your Platform.
Get endorsed today.