NameMike Kennedy
What office are you running for?Congress
County, District/TownshipUtah, CD 3
Address55 N Merchant Street #1324
American Fork, Utah 84003
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Phone(801) 210-1656
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election?No
Is this your first time running for office?No
Election Date04/27/2024
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1. What inspired you to run for public office, and what positive changes do you hope to bring to your district/state if elected?

As a father of eight and grandfather of nine, my commitment to our future generations is deeply personal. My unique background as a medical doctor, an attorney, and a conservative state senator in our part-time state legislature has given me a broad perspective on the challenges our state and nation face. Our nation stands at a critical juncture, grappling with a monumental debt crisis, our border and parental rights under attack, diminishing freedoms, and a glaring deficit in common sense and civility in our policymaking processes. Now, more than ever, it's imperative to have principled conservatives in Washington who possess the ability to collaborate effectively while addressing these challenges directly—championing fiscal discipline, bolstering border security, and steering our leadership back toward rational, grounded decision-making. The prevailing dysfunction and deterioration of civility in Washington are alarming, with our families bearing the brunt of these failings. We're confronted with the urgent tasks of curbing inflation, tackling our burgeoning national debt, reinstating pragmatic policies, and securing a safe and thriving future for all Americans. It's clear that we need leaders willing to listen, capable of cooperative governance, yet unyielding in their quest to upend the status quo and ardently defend the values that underscore the greatness of Utah and our nation. My vision is rooted in these convictions, driven by the imperative to safeguard and enrich the lives of our children and grandchildren.

2. Can you share the three most important issues facing your district/state, and how do you envision working collaboratively to find solutions that benefit everyone?

The key issues our state and district are grappling with that I want to focus on finding solutions for are securing our borders, reining in excessive spending and bringing relief for working families, and limiting government overreach. These solutions will require thoughtful leadership and a willingness to work together for common goals. Through my efforts in passing significant legislation, like the ban on irreversible transgender surgeries on minors, banning vaccine passports, and advancing school choice, I've demonstrated my commitment to collaboration and finding balanced solutions amidst complex challenges. Leveraging my background as a medical doctor, attorney, and conservative state senator, I've engaged in meaningful dialogue and partnership across various viewpoints to address our community's needs to pass complex legislation that benefits our people. In Congress, my aim is to represent the limited government policies that have made Utah and America great, advocating for policies that emphasize fiscal responsibility, national security, and the preservation of freedoms. By prioritizing unity and constructive engagement, we can confront the divisiveness in our political discourse and work toward a prosperous future for every American, anchored in the principles that unite us as a nation.

3. Would you support or oppose implementing specific policies to promote fiscal responsibility and reduce government spending at the federal level, while also addressing the national debt and ensuring a sustainable economic future for the country?Support
4. In the context of the Bill of Rights, do you support or oppose safeguarding and upholding individual liberties, such as the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, when confronted with potential challenges?Support
5. Do you support or oppose strengthening our border security using physical barriers, technology and personnel while enacting comprehensive measures to effectively address illegal immigration, particularly as it relates to human trafficking?Support
6. Considering the ongoing debates on the environment, would you support or oppose balancing economic growth and environmental protection in your approach to environmental policies?Support
7. Do you support and advocate for religious freedom as a fundamental right for all citizens in our nation?Yes
8. Do you believe parental rights are fundamental?Yes
9. Given the issues concerning open borders, border security, and drugs (like fentanyl), do you endorse the classification of Mexican cartels as a terrorist organization and recognize them as a significant national security threat to the United States?Yes
10. In the context of putting America First and upholding the Constitution’s supremacy over external entities, do you believe selling influence to foreign entities should be considered a high crime or misdemeanor?Yes
11. Do you believe the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are important and necessary?No
12. Would you support or oppose addressing the issue of illegal immigration in the state and proposing measures to enforce immigration laws and enhance border security?Support
13. Do you support making laws to protect life keeping in mind there are many views on what this means?Yes