NameDonald Rients
What office are you running for?Representative of the General Assembly Disctrict 105
County, District/TownshipWoodford
Address1968 County Road 2300 E
Benson, Illinois Benson
Map It
Phone(309) 394-2610
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election?No
Is this your first time running for office?No
Election Date03/19/2024
Copy & Paste Your Social Media Handles Here and

1. What inspired you to run for public office, and what positive changes do you hope to bring to your district/state if elected?

My reasons for running are many, but I feel that we need real representation rather than politicians that put their self-interest first and hold their positions through deceit. As a super minority party, it wll be hard to do effective change, but I will be fighting for citizens’ rights, Protection for the innocent (unborn), and working to keep government doing what is right and wanted by the people, rather than interrupting their ability to live life, and purse their dreams, with minimal government intervention. We as representatives, are to listen, contemplate, and serve the people. This is no longer happening.

2. Please identify the top three critical issues facing your state, and how do you envision solving them to benefit the communities in your state?

Note that all three answers have the issue as Republicans like myself, are in the super minority in the General Assembly, and will have a difficult time to turn the direction of Illinois.
1. The rights of the citizens of Illinois are being eroded away. A. The rights if the unborn are being greatly abused, as they are being murdered as if they were nothing. When I get into office, I will put forth bill(s) to protect those rights, even though these bills may not make it out of committee. B. The bureaucracies seem to have the upper hand in controlling the public, whether this be DCFS, school administrators, Health Departments, the Governor’s office and his unconstitutional mandates, and other agencies, all need reigned in. For the DCFS there has to be a revamping and better management of the leadership and staff. For the Health Department / Governor’s office there needs to be clear guidelines and laws that ensure that they are not overstepping their boundaries. For schools, we need to make sure that the School Boards can better decide their curriculum without State overreach and mandates, such as CRT, and the immoral sexual indoctrination of our children.
2. Illinois State needs to get a better handle on its finances. There is wasteful overspending of the tax payer’s money, and corruption. We need to make better decisions on what bills we pass that introduce spending, and fight against unnecessary pet projects. One of our goals should be ensuring the infrastructure is sound. We also need to grow the tax base by getting more companies to come into Illinois (rather than leaving Illinois), this can be done through proper/less regulation in the manufacturing sector, along with a better aligned tax base for those companies. Once spending is under control, we also need to address the over taxation of our citizens.
3. We also need to address the safety of Illinoisans. Being a sanctuary state has brought a cost burden to its citizens, along with drug and sex traffickers. Removal as a sanctuary state should be a goal. We need to have properly trained law enforcement (not non-citizen law enforcement), so that they are a de-escalating force, and better able to protect and serve the citizens of Illinois. Removal of parts of the safety-act, mainly no bail release, should be a goal.

3. Would you support or oppose implementing specific policies to promote fiscal responsibility and reduce government spending at the state level, while also addressing debt and ensuring a sustainable economic future for your state?Support
4. Do you support or oppose the belief that the pandemic’s negative impact on medical freedom, which emphasized the importance of safeguarding individual liberties, as well as its negative economic consequences on the people, calls for crucial lessons learned and need for both federal and state governments to avoid overregulation and overreach on small businesses while effectively preparing to handle future challenges?Support
5. In the context of the Bill of Rights, do you support or oppose safeguarding and upholding individual liberties, such as the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, when confronted with potential challenges?Support
6. Considering the ongoing debates on the environment, would you support or oppose balancing economic growth and environmental protection in your approach to environmental policies?Support
7. Do you support and advocate for religious freedom as a fundamental right for all citizens in our nation?Yes
8. Given the issues concerning open borders, border security, and drugs (like fentanyl), do you endorse the classification of Mexican cartels as a terrorist organization and recognize them as a significant national security threat to the United States?Yes
9. Do you believe the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are important and necessary?No
10. Would you support or oppose the implementation of policies to expand school choice options, such as charter schools, vouchers, or education savings accounts, to empower parents to make the best educational decisions for their children?Support
11. Would you support or oppose passing laws to make it illegal to transition children medically or chemically under 18 years of age?Support
12. Would you support or oppose passing laws to restrict the education of students from K-12 on gender identity, homosexuality, and sexual conduct, and instead, adhere strictly to biology, science, and biological nature?Support
13. Would you support or oppose implementing classical liberal arts education standards in K-12?Support
14. Do you believe that parental rights are fundamental and hold the highest authority, and would you support prioritizing and protecting these rights in education? This includes acknowledging parents’ fundamental role in teaching, raising, and nurturing their children. Please indicate whether you support or oppose this approach.Support
15. If elected, would you support and implement the bill introduced by Moms for America Action that endorses the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Standard in schools, prohibiting obscene, indecent, and profane content, similar to the regulations for radio and TV broadcasts?Yes