NameJoselyn Cutforth
What office are you running for?Lockport District 91 school board
County, District/TownshipWill, D91, Lockport, IL
Address1031 E 7th St.
Lockport, Illinois 60441
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Phone(815) 999-9146
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election?no
Is this your first time running for office?Yes
Election Date04/04/2023
Social Media Handles

Facebook: Joselyn Daher Cutforth

1. Provide the top 2 reasons why you want to run for school board?

1. Parent-teacher teams and parental involvement have fallen apart and I want to help rebuild that.
2. Curriculum transparency in schools is hit or miss. All curriculum needs to be clear, complete, and not just available but shared with parents and made more easily accessible.

2. Name the top 2 issues with your current school board or district and how you will address each issue.

1. The current school board does not listen very well or take into account any parents ideas or concerns. Parents are always welcome at board meetings, but it's never clear or easy to find what the board will be discussing, and when a parent speaks it seems to fall on deaf ears.
2. The current school board has stated that it is not their job to give parents access to the current sex-ed curriculum that they are teaching the students even when a parent concern was brought up regarding sending video links to parents to review so they can address any issues with their children, especially children who may have been sex abuse victims.

I would like to push the board to do more to help bridge communication between the school and parents back, give parents time to come and speak, live stream the board meetings, and then put them on YouTube for parents to watch later who cannot attend meetings. I would like to help the board show teachers that we support them and not to be afraid to speak up and speak to parents as well.
I will push that the board demands the school be 100% transparent in all curricula taught to their children as well as notifications given ahead of time when something is taught that may be sensitive material.

3. Do you support school choice? Why or why not?

I absolutely support school choice. The vast majority of parents choose where to live based on schools. They purchase a house or rent a home, and establish their life and career around the district they live in. Often times the district then, after years, is no longer what it was and parents cannot simply pack up and move to make sure their child goes to a good school or a school that is a better fit for them. School choice allows children the best opportunities. It will also help make school staff work to the best of their abilities to be the schools that parents want to send their children to and not pull their children from.

4. Who do you think is the ultimate authority in a child’s education and wellbeing?

The parent. Period. Parents know what is best for their children and teachers (me being a parent AND a teacher) are supports in the child's life, not the governing body in the child's life.

5. Do you agree with the statement “America is inherently racist”? Why or why not?

Absolutely not. No one is born racist so racism cannot be inherently constant. America has fought, lost lives, and worked hard to abolish any and all racist practices giving all Americans an equal opportunity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

6. What are your thoughts on “Comprehensive Sex Education”, “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”, and “Social Emotional Learning”? Should these be a part of our public education curriculum or supplemental learning materials or left to parents to teach and why?

Comprehensive Sex Education goes against the majority of families' religious, personal, and scientific beliefs and should not be taught in school. It also has many "teachings" that are not based on biology or science.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion, while at its basic core, I believe was intended to be a good thing, such as keeping special education students in their least restrictive environment, not punishing a student for the home life they come from, etc. However, it has morphed into a racist idea and twisted "equity" to mean "equal outcome" which is incorrect. "Equity" means "equal starting point". Due to simply biological and psychological factors of all humans it is impossible for everyone to reach the same outcome.
Social Emotional Learning is 100% the parent's job and should be left to the parent. Granted schools can help by having a policy on bullying and enforcing proper behavior and work ethic, but the rest is 100% the parent's job and schools should not be stepping on parent's toes. We are also throwing so much emotional "learning" on students who's brains are not physically mature enough to even understand it that we are creating a massive amount of children with stress, enxiety, depression, etc, all in the name of "helping".

7. With declining academic achievement in reading, writing, math, and science in schools across the nation, how would you address these issues if elected?

I would push to move back to basics and help students become concrete in the foundational concepts they need to succeed and move forward. Far less time wasted on "SEL". More moving and play-based learning for younger children. Less school involvement in minor student conflicts. Kids need to learn how to resolve minor conflicts. We need to go back to the emotional stability of "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me".

8. Safety is a major concern for most families, how would you support and encourage safety measures for girls in their private spaces, if elected?

Biological boys should always use the boys bathrooms and locker rooms with NO exceptions. Biological girls should always use the girls bathroom and locker rooms with NO exception. If a parent insists their child is transgender then single private bathrooms are usually available in every school and those students can use those bathrooms. This way every child is safe, the children who are content with their biology and the children with gender dysphoria are also safe.

9. Do you believe Title IX is in jeopardy in our public education system today?

I think Title IX has been twisted and turned into something that no longer protects students.

10. Do you have any other endorsements? If so, please list them.

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