NameMorgan Calhoun
What office are you running for?KISD School Board Position 4
County, District/TownshipKaty, Texas
Address6002 Green Meadows Lane
Katy, Texas 77493
Map It
Phone(281) 704-5430
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election?No
Is this your first time running for office?Yes
Election Date05/06/2023
Social Media Handles

Instagram: calhoun_4_katyisd

1. Provide the top 2 reasons why you want to run for school board?

I want to be a person who holds the line for families against the mounting pressure from outside ideological influences. Right now, we have made way for discipline to be taken away from the teachers to use, we have also allowed sexual identities and proclivities to be the focus from a staff to a student level. What has taken a back seat is actual instruction for the foundations of math, reading, writing, and science.
I want to be on the board in order to give backbone and action to what is already set inside out district's policies, as well as reversing policies that are harmful to the learning environment and safety of students and staff alike.
When my children ask me in 15 years what I did to fight against this wave of insanity, I can say that I did everything I could, I didn't just talk about it, I acted on what I believed in and what God put in my heart.

2. Name the top 2 issues with your current school board or district and how you will address each issue.

This echo's the reasons I am running.
Currently our board has been unwilling to address the violation of safety inside schools. We have video evidence of this running rampant time and again. Enforcement of disciplinary tools is paramount. Parents are terrified to send their children to school, this is out of control and the board has the ability to enact and defend our district and staff with support and backing of disciplinary measures.
I believe that just placing strict enforcement of discipline in place will alleviate so many of the issues we are facing.
Cheating, Classroom disruptions, Fighting, Dress Code Violations, Bullying online and in-person. These all seem to stem from a lack of boundaries and willingness to enforce them because of fear from teachers and admin of retribution from parents and media. We have to do this together and show strong leadership.
It's time for the adults in the room to stand up and lead.

3. Do you support school choice? Why or why not?

Yes, but with boundaries that protect the right to homeschool or use school choice as a parent sees fit for the betterment of their child/children. I recognize that pursuing school choice and a "voucher" program, does enable the government to some degree to step inside the process more than they already are.
But, schools have to be held accountable for how they do/ do not teach and allowing people to share that "grade" of school with their money and feet provides an avenue for accountability that we have not historically been able to exercise.

4. Who do you think is the ultimate authority in a child’s education and wellbeing?

The parent.

5. Do you agree with the statement “America is inherently racist”? Why or why not?

Absolutely not.
America has provided the best opportunities for people of all races, creeds, and colors to succeed and prosper to the best of that person's willingness to apply themselves and sacrifice for. Is there going to be racism in any part of the world? Yes, because humans are faulty. Does that it any way demean America or define us as a racist country?
No. In an unwavering answer, absolutely not. Our history with slavery and racism is just that, history. It isn't something we should shy away from, but learn from and take the opportunity to build upon. We have done that and will continue to do. The hyper focus on racism makes everything racist. And when everything is racist, the word looses it's meaning, making nothing racist. When true racism is front and center it then becomes ignored and overlooked. We have got to stop abusing words to which they loose all effectiveness. We are saying nothing.

6. What are your thoughts on “Comprehensive Sex Education”, “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”, and “Social Emotional Learning”? Should these be a part of our public education curriculum or supplemental learning materials or left to parents to teach and why?

Sex Education is something that should be given by families at home, under their supervision and guidance to what they feel is appropriate for their child. If a school provides an option to families to utilize something they have prepared and the family can choose to use or not use it, that is the only way I am comfortable with "comprehensive sex education".
DEL & SEL are all false flags for indoctrinated staff to push a narrative that is ultimately against what they see fit at the time. It is nothing more than a bowing down to liberal-minded minorities that have utilized their voices in an effective manner. Just because someone is screaming about something doesn't make it truth. These materials have no place in our classrooms. This is a zone that parents need to be given ability to take action in their own homes though.

7. With declining academic achievement in reading, writing, math, and science in schools across the nation, how would you address these issues if elected?

If elected, re-focusing on the foundational principals of the learning areas is paramount. Reviewing current curriculum and putting an actionable plan in place to be utilized if and when that curriculum is needed to be changed. Our current board, under the pressure of our lone willing leader, Victor Perez, has showed that it can be done. As the vote has just been accepted to changed the failing literacy curriculum for phonics based reading for K-3. This can be done, we just have to have the right people in places to enact it.

8. Safety is a major concern for most families, how would you support and encourage safety measures for girls in their private spaces, if elected?

Your biological sex that you have at birth determines what private spaces you use.
If you were born a boy, you use boy facilities.
If you were born a girl, you use girl facilities.
If a child/teen/ adult of the opposite sex forces their way into a space designated for someone else, swift and thorough discipline has to be implemented in order to maintain safety for all students and staff.

9. Do you believe Title IX is in jeopardy in our public education system today?

The only jeopardy that is being posed is from a perversion of the law. At the time Title VI was passed only 42% of students enrolled in colleges were female, that was in 1972. As of 2021, those numbers have drastically increased, one could argue due to Title VI in large part. As of 2021 it sits at 59.5% per the Wall Street Journal. This was in direct response to an extension of the Civil Rights Act. Where I believe this is in jeopardy is only when we decide that men/boys can now identify as women, and then take that identification and use it as a weapon against women in sports and private spaces. We are not only jeopardizing the future of women's sports as a whole, but we are putting our daughter's security under full assaults'.

10. Do you have any other endorsements? If so, please list them.

Not publicly as of yet.