NameKim Swartz
What office are you running for?Cape Girardeau Public School Board of Directors (MO School # 63)
County, District/TownshipCape Girardeau, MO
Address3031 Keystone Drive
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701
Map It
Phone(573) 579-5837
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election?No
Is this your first time running for office?Yes
Election Date04/04/2023
Social Media Handles

Kim Gracelyn Swartz on Facebook
Kim Swartz for Cape School Board on Facebook
Kim Swartz on Telegram

1. Provide the top 2 reasons why you want to run for school board?

1) We have two GRANDCHILDREN in the public schools locally.
2) "Local action creates national impact" - said Gen. Michael Flynn. So here we are, two retired 'grandparents', willing to speak out above the Noise of The Established to stand for good and not for evil, for Truth and transparency - not for secrets and back doors. (My husband, a retired dentist, is a candidate for Health Board.) GRANDCHILDREN and TRANSPARENCY. Parents and Taxpayers have a right to know........................everything.

2. Name the top 2 issues with your current school board or district and how you will address each issue.

I hope I can limit this to just 2.
1) Parents Rights, Parents Respect, and Parents Responsibility - Every parent, every time, every matter. I asked the board to "resolve" that parents are the primary stakeholder in a child's upbringing and future and they refused.
2) Protect the children from indoctrination and give them an EDUCATION of core subjects. NO: sexualization - (We found The House of the Spirits in 10th grade 1st semester ELA, and we found What Girls are Made Of (tipped off by Aly Legge's post,) in the High School Library), NO TRANS AGENDAS, NO socialism/Marxism - CRT (though the school says they do not have it), SEL, surveys. YES to: full transparency, screened curriculum, wholesome materials, true history and patriotism, meritocracy and sexual identities left to parents and families.

3. Do you support school choice? Why or why not?

School Choice is a sticky wicket. I do support a parent's right to send their child to any school they prefer for their child's best interest, education and preparation. I do support the money following the child ONLY IF THERE ARE NO STRINGS ATTACHED TO THAT CHOICE. If the current interest in our MO government is to pull children and the authority over them under the DESE umbrella and dictates - I would say "No thank you. " But, if parents are truly free from any entanglement with the government for the money to follow the child or tax credits in their choice of schools - I would be supportive of that. I say NO to anything related to UNESCO, UN, WEF, WHO and others who, with BIG$$$$ money, are buying the minds and souls of our children for nothing good.

4. Who do you think is the ultimate authority in a child’s education and wellbeing?

PARENTS!!!!! 100%!!!!!!

5. Do you agree with the statement “America is inherently racist”? Why or why not?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I think that statements like this are divisive. I also think that they do more harm to set minorities back by not requiring students in minorities to perform for their educational movement and success within the school system. Children know what they don't know. I think it is criminal and ill conceived to strap a child to failure and patronizing to assume that some children 'can't' and so they are not expected to succeed. America and Americans are the most generous society in the world.

6. What are your thoughts on “Comprehensive Sex Education”, “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”, and “Social Emotional Learning”? Should these be a part of our public education curriculum or supplemental learning materials or left to parents to teach and why?

Comprehensive Sex Education - I believe that students of the proper age may be taught in school the biological facts of our created and intended purpose of "filling the earth". SEX Ed according to SIECUS is intended for the destruction of families, of society, and of our very fabric of civilization. Parents are the real educators (I prefer through Scripture) of appropriate sex education, values, and behaviors.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion - Marxist, intended to create division and hate
Social Emotional Learning - SEL and similar methodologies of teaching, remove objective evaluation of actual learning and move to a more subjective evaluation of the child's 'condition'. I believe teachers are not equipped or trained to analyze the emotional or mental position nor to treat or attend to the same. This is an attempt to slow real mastering of skills and information and to bring the brightest down vs build ALL students upward. Success is measurable. Our schools should AIM UP!!!

7. With declining academic achievement in reading, writing, math, and science in schools across the nation, how would you address these issues if elected?

Our scores in Cape Girardeau Public Schools are at about a 40% proficiency level. Sad but true. Math is below this. We do have one elementary school which scores (on a 4.0 scale) a 3.5. They are NOT in the most affluent neighborhood. It is amazing. I credit the principal. She expects the kids to BEHAVE and to PERFORM to the best of their ability. If they are not reaching their potential - the school provides the direction but the students must participate and do their best. I don't know how she does it but we should bottle it and share it with every building in the district.
I am learning just how 'tied' the hands of the board are, however. Our schools are no longer under purview of the board and answerable to the community that elected them and pays the taxes for the schools' benefits. Non-elected government bureaucrats dictate the boards reach and authority. I hope to start a trend of taking back our schools. In the first months, if I am elected, transparency will be my mission. I will tell every parent, public outlet, and possible listener where the opportunities are to better our school district's mission to educate our children to the betterment of our community and future.

8. Safety is a major concern for most families, how would you support and encourage safety measures for girls in their private spaces, if elected?

No biological males in female specific areas such as restrooms, locker rooms, OR sports - PERIOD.

9. Do you believe Title IX is in jeopardy in our public education system today?

Women were given the special protection to have sports programs offered for their competitive opportunities. Specific sports for women will be uprooted if biological males are given the open door to their competitive sports arenas and locker rooms. STOP this nonsense. This denies our female athletes of scholarships and rewards they well deserve on a fair playing field. Just as doping is declared illegal - so is sexed-enhanced participation across gender lines. No, no, 1000 times no.

10. Do you have any other endorsements? If so, please list them.

Not at this time. If you have suggestions - I would gladly seek an endorsement of other conservative, and Christian organizations.