What office are you running for? | Sheriff of Uvalde county |
County, District/Township | Uvalde County |
Address | 2664 Garner Field Rd. Uvalde, Texas 78801 Map It |
Phone | (830) 279-9204 |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election? | No |
Is this your first time running for office? | No |
Election Date | 03/05/2024 |
Social Media Handles | On Facebook, OttoArnim for Uvalde county sheriff. It’s an old one and it needs to be updated. |
1. Provide the top 2 reason why you want to run for office. | Almost 40 years law enforcement experience, former DPS lieutenant. I want to bring proper law-enforcement to protect the citizens in my county. |
2. Name the top 2 issues in your county, state, or federal district that you wish to address and how? | I want to stop the illegal flow of people into my state and country by using my office to influence proper changes in the laws to affect the outcome that all of us want. I also want to prepare for a possible takeover of our country by foreign entities by training my officers and limited military tactics, as well as continuing education to keep officers completely up-to-date on proper methods and strategies for enforcement efforts |
3. Do you support defunding the police? | Absolutely not we need to be increasing funding for law-enforcement. There aren’t enough officers to protect and serve our communities even today. |
4. What are your thoughts on “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”? Should this be implemented as training for county/city/federal employees? Why or why not? | That sounds like a Marxist rhetoric to me all our officers need to do is protect, and serve, treat every person fairly and equally |
5. With growing pressure to accommodate various lifestyles/identities how would you manage to keep your city/town safe and family friendly? | I believe all of this accommodation business is destructive to our nation, as our founding fathers set forth in the beginning of our country. Related to law-enforcement as long as our officers treat everybody fairly. We shouldn’t have any problems. |
6. Do you think involving residents in decision making in your city/town is important? Why or not? | I have found out with my most recent law enforcement position that I have found citizens do not normally understand how law-enforcement functions and should leave the business of policing up to professional, law-enforcement people however, I think it’s very appropriate to keep the public informed on the state of our communities as far as law-enforcement is concerned . |
7. If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city/town/county any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why? | First of all, I would upgrade our local, law-enforcement, reporting management systems, RMS. My communities are outdated on the modern up-to-date systems. I would increase training for the officers as well as increasing the number of officers that we have in our community. |
8. What is your opinion on sanctuary cities/autonomous zones within your city/town? | I’m absolutely against all of that. It’s just more communism infiltrating into our country to try to undermine this wonderful country that we have. You can see how all these so-called sanctuary cities are having heart attacks because they’re actually receiving the people that they requested and wanted they can’t handle it they can’t be supported financially and it’s overall bad. |
9. What are your thoughts on mandating the closure of privately owned businesses due to public health concerns aside from code violations? | Privately owned, businesses is how we promote entrepreneurship in this country. If it wasn’t for small business owners, the country would not survive they should be allowed to stay open. People have the right to go and use services or not use services. Let’s leave it up to the people to decide. |
10. Who is the ultimate authority over the health and safety of the people in your city/town? | The people themselves are the ultimate authority. Parents, of course, have authority over their children. The government doesn’t need to tell us what we can, and what we cannot do it’s all riders free citizens. |
11. Are you endorsed by other organizations? If so, which ones? | In a small town it’s kind of hard to get endorsements from organizations. Generally most organizations try to stay neutral in political campaigns. I do have some companies in town that have supported me in the past and plan on supporting me this campaign, season by voting as well as financing my campaign. |
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