NameMark Harris
What office are you running for?US House of Representatives
County, District/TownshipNC-08
Address304 Chestnut Parkway #8213
Indian Trail, North Carolina 28079
Map It
Phone(704) 796-3882
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election?No
Is this your first time running for office?No
Election Date03/05/2024
Social Media Handles

1. Provide the top 2 reason why you want to run for office.

We need men and women in leadership who are committed to character, courage, and conviction. Our nation is headed in the wrong direction and we need leaders who will stand up and fight for values. Just like the courageous moms who have made their voices known at school board meetings, we need leaders in Washington who are serious about their role and standing for conservative values. I feel called to stand strong to get our nation back on a solid financial footing and change course from the woke policies of the Biden Administration.

2. Name the top 2 issues in your county, state, or federal district that you wish to address and how?

Our border is the #1 issue in our nation. It impacts our national security, deficit spending, healthcare and every area of our lives. Our national debt continues to grow unchecked. When I last ran for office in 2018 we were approaching 24 Trillion in Debt is over 34 Trillion. We must get serious about this issue or it will cripple our nation. I support the elimination of several agencies in DC including elimination of Dept of Education and Commerce to reduce costs and provide block grants to the states.

3. Do you support defunding the police?

More must be done to support law enforcement our nation. We need strong DAs and laws that support police.

4. What are your thoughts on “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”? Should this be implemented as training for county/city/federal employees? Why or why not?

DEI should be outlawed. We must be evaluating employees on their skills, experience and merits. Hiring or promoting solely on diversity will weaken an organization. We have seen this happening in our military and throughout the Biden Administration.

5. With growing pressure to accommodate various lifestyles/identities how would you manage to keep your city/town safe and family friendly?

All individuals should have the right to purchase products, eat in restaurants and find public accomodations. Government should never mandate policies that violate an individual's religious freedoms.

6. Do you think involving residents in decision making in your city/town is important? Why or not?

Input from citizens is part of our system of government. Municipalities often hold public hearing before key votes. This voice of the people is essential to allow individuals to express their voice.

7. If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city/town/county any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why?

I would first look for the greatest needs of the community and ask local officials what those needs might be. Many times helping fund educational choice in a community can be valuable if public school education is the only option. Block grants to non-profits doing measurable good in the community is preferential over government-run programs.

8. What is your opinion on sanctuary cities/autonomous zones within your city/town?

Sanctuary Cities should be defunded. Municipalities and Cities failing to follow state and/or federal laws should not receive benefits from the federal government. Law Enforcement should be required to cooperate with ICE and deport illegal immigrants breaking the law .

9. What are your thoughts on mandating the closure of privately owned businesses due to public health concerns aside from code violations?

There are occasions when Public Health officials request an isolated temporary business closure for known highly contagious diseases such as Hepatitis, Norovirus. Government should never return to wide-spread mandated closures. The medical freedoms of business owners and Parents Rights / Individual medical freedoms should not be infringed upon.

10. Who is the ultimate authority over the health and safety of the people in your city/town?

Individuals are the ultimate authority of their own health. Companies should not mandate vaccines. Government can provide guidance but we must never return to the illegal mandates forced on Americans during COVID. Parents have the authority over their children's healthcare and the government should not restrict access to education or jobs over mandates.

11. Are you endorsed by other organizations? If so, which ones?

House Freedom Fund
NC Values Coalition
FRC Action
Mike Huckabee
Ralph Reed of Faith & Freedom
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council
North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson