Name | Laura Russo |
What office are you running for? | Putnam County Legislator (District 4) |
County, District/Township | Putnam County, LD4, Patterson, NY |
Address | 89 Slater Rd. Patterson, New York Patterson Map It |
Phone | (914) 841-9113 |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election? | No |
Is this your first time running for office? | No |
Election Date | 11/05/2024 |
Website | |
Social Media Handles | @russoforputnam |
1. Provide the top 2 reason why you want to run for office. | To improve access and transparency to our county government for our families and every day people who live, work and play in Putnam County. To ensure we continue to live in the safest of communities, supported by our brave men and women in law enforcement, while maintaining a level of affordability that enables Putnam residents to stay and thrive in our beautiful community. |
2. Name the top 2 issues in your county, state, or federal district that you wish to address and how? | 1. With our county's close proximity to New York City, we must remain ever vigilant in ensuring that self inflicted problems in New York City do not transfer to Putnam County. New York City may be a "sanctuary county", but Putnam County is not. I participated in the Legislature's public meeting where Putnam County became a "Rule of Law" County to ensure all our people are treated fairly and equally. I will stand firm against any effort by the Radical Left to make our county a "sanctuary county." 2. Providing for a more affordable government with better access to our elected officials so citizens can engage with their elected representative. I have long attended town board and county legislature meetings. This type of activity should be encouraged for hard-working moms and dads, not discouraged. We should make it easier for them to engage, with live-streaming of public meetings and better access to public information reducing the need to FOIL. These are all good government issues that don't cost taxpayers more money, and could actually reduce government spending by pairing down on FOILs and costly litigation. |
3. Do you support defunding the police? | 100% opposed to any measure that would "defund our police." Putnam County has a long history of supporting our law enforcement community through collaborative efforts and specialized multi-agency teams. Our Putnam County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) manages the county jail and provides road patrol, bureau of criminal investigation, marine unit, narcotics unit, and more... The PCSO maintains valuable relationships with its partners at the federal, state, and local levels where it has cracked down on dangerous drug trafficking and other harmful crimes. Putnam County, unfortunately along with the rest of the Hudson Valley, is still listed as a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area by the federal government. Our entire region has been ravaged by the opioid epidemic and the scourge from fentanyl that has crossed our nation's open boarder. This highlights our need for more support by our men and women in blue, not less. Despite this challenge, Putnam County is still fortunate that it has remained rated one of the safest counties in New York State. I want that to continue with a Sheriff's office that has the resources it needs to continue its work with our local schools as it continues to provide School Resource Officers (SROs) to help keep our schools safe and teach our young people important lessons for life. |
4. What are your thoughts on “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”? Should this be implemented as training for county/city/federal employees? Why or why not? | "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We should not divide our communities, especially our young people, into different categories to make some sort of political point that only further divides people based on immutable characteristics. While I believe diversity is often a strength by involving people of different backgrounds, experiences and ideas, we should not be creating systems where people are further divided into categories in a manner that labels people as "oppressed" and "oppressor," or that assumes a person's "privilege." We should be offering the same equal opportunity for success to all, but that does not guarantee all will have the same outcome. I believe in recognizing those who work hard based on merit, performance, and as Dr. King once said, "by the content of their character." |
5. With growing pressure to accommodate various lifestyles/identities how would you manage to keep your city/town safe and family friendly? | It should start by respecting families as a core part of our society. Making myself accessible as a representative to all, to hear concerns and respond, can help bridge some gaps, but I recognize that every person and family is different. Putnam County does host and support numerous functions through its Youth Bureau and Parks Division at its Department of Public Works. I believe all these public events, such as the County Fair, should remain family friendly, free of any inappropriate adult content. Furthermore, I believe Putnam County can and should work towards providing greater accommodations for those who may have developmental disabilities. |
6. Do you think involving residents in decision making in your city/town is important? Why or not? | It is vital. Our present Legislator does not regularly attend Town Board meetings. I have, and I don't hold elected office yet. It's important our representatives make themselves available to residents in order to provide the best type of representation possible. |
7. If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city/town/county any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why? | Enhance access to all government buildings so all people, regardless of age or handicap, have better access to their public buildings. The County Office Building is only now discussing the addition of cameras, live-streaming of public meetings, and a handicap ramp. This should be the standard for all residents facing service buildings in the County Government. |
8. What is your opinion on sanctuary cities/autonomous zones within your city/town? | 100% opposed to "Sanctuary Counties." Putnam County and its County Executive Kevin Byrne were sued in 2023 by New York City Mayor Eric Adams over stopping the City from moving forward with its half-baked plan to dump its homeless migrant population in Putnam County. Putnam County won the case. I stand in favor of Putnam County's actions as a Rule of Law County and stand firmly opposed to sanctuary city policies. |
9. What are your thoughts on mandating the closure of privately owned businesses due to public health concerns aside from code violations? | Living in New York State, we experienced some of the most oppressive and intrusive restrictions imposed by disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo. The State shut down our businesses, it barred us from mourning for lost loved ones at a wake or funeral, and prevented us from worshiping in prayer at church. The prior County administration also prematurely shut down day care services during the height of the lock down. This all hurt, but it was exceptionally difficult when New Yorkers watched Governor Cuomo laud Black Lives Matter in New York City. He chastised small businesses who attempted to protest to reopen their business, but praised BLM activists who came out by the thousands outside City hall. The hypocrisy was glaring. I opposed and continue to oppose the prior administration's decision to impose executive fiats such as Vaccine Passport Mandates, Mask Mandates, and restricted gatherings. |
10. Who is the ultimate authority over the health and safety of the people in your city/town? | We the people. As a matter of government, those elected to represent the people, we are lead by a County Executive, County Sheriff, and a County Legislature who serve the people and are tasked with protecting their health and safety. |
11. Are you endorsed by other organizations? If so, which ones? | The Patterson Town Republican Committee |
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