Name | Tamzin Rosenwasser |
What office are you running for? | Sarasota County Hospital Board, At Large Seat 1 |
County, District/Township | Sarasota County, FL |
Address | 5846 Venisota Rd, Venice, Florida 34293 Map It |
Phone | (941) 492-6996 |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election? | No |
Is this your first time running for office? | Yes |
Election Date | 08/20/2024 |
Website | |
Social Media Handles | none |
1. Provide the top 2 reason why you want to run for office. | 1) I want the hospital to honor the primary reason for any hospital's existence, namely to provide a place for physicians to take care of patients, according to ethical principles which put the patient-physician relationship first. There must be no coercion of either patient or physician for financial, 3rd party, or government motives. |
2. Name the top 2 issues in your county, state, or federal district that you wish to address and how? | 1) Corruption of the patient-physician relationship by third parties. Address conflicts of interest. Allow the hospital to accept physicians certified by the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons, rather than by Boards which now put financial gain uppermost. Oppose coercion, mandates, and group-think. |
3. Do you support defunding the police? | No. |
4. What are your thoughts on “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”? Should this be implemented as training for county/city/federal employees? Why or why not? | I call it "DIE" because how can anybody have "equity" without "diversity" and "inclusion" first? Or, it could also be termed "IED." since it has been so destructive. "DIE" should never be implemented as what I would call brain-washing for anybody, whether employed by government or not. Actions are important, and everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. I think all we need is Luke Ch 10, verses 25-37, where a lawyer asks Jesus what he must do to gain eternal life, and Jesus says to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. Then the lawyer asks who his neighbor is, and Jesus tells him the story of the Good Samaritan. Look at Americans who have rushed to one another's aid, on September 11, 2001; after hurricanes on the Gulf Coast; in many circumstances. Americans, without any government input, have formed the St Jude Children's Hospital, the Shriner's Hospitals, Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital, religious and other charitable organizations of all kinds serving truly needy people of every kind. "DIE" is a cultural Marxist movement, and must be totally rejected. |
5. With growing pressure to accommodate various lifestyles/identities how would you manage to keep your city/town safe and family friendly? | People are free to "identify" or live a "lifestyle" but other people are free to disagree with them, ignore them, or if necessary, to prevent them from attempting to corrupt or influence children, or to destroy their innocence. Things like "drag queen story hour" should not be allowed in public places. Citizens of a town must be free to criticize those who flagrantly, egregiously flaunt their perversity. Ne cede malis, sed contra audientor ito. (Do not yield to evil, but strongly oppose it.) |
6. Do you think involving residents in decision making in your city/town is important? Why or not? | Yes. Take a small group of "government officials." If they make decisions, every mistake they make is amplified. Their mistakes, including decisions which are not mistakes, but are corruption, are imposed upon everyone. Therefore, residents, I hope voting ones, must be vigilantly and responsibly involved in the decisions which affect them. Let me assert here that moral integrity begins with teaching in earliest childhood, and that there is no experience which is not a learning experience. |
7. If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city/town/county any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why? | I would establish schools totally independent of government. Arthur B Robinson has $195.00 for K-12. He is a nuclear physicist. His wife died when the youngest of his 6 children was quite young. He home schooled them. One is a chemist, one a veterinarian, two are nuclear scientists. Schools these days are indoctrination. Children are our future, that is the reason for my answer. |
8. What is your opinion on sanctuary cities/autonomous zones within your city/town? | I am against it - unless the sanctuary is for all citizens against evil. There should be no "autonomous zones" for some citizens where other citizens are excluded or unsafe. There should be no "sanctuary" for lawlessness or un-Constitutional provisions. |
9. What are your thoughts on mandating the closure of privately owned businesses due to public health concerns aside from code violations? | Mandating closure of private businesses should not be allowed, and civil disobedience may be necessary. Government officials often meddle in things where they have no knowledge, to begin with, and that is especially true of medical matters. Governments are also, without constant vigilance, disrespectful of citizens. We saw that in "COVID" when it was fine for large chains to stay open, but small businesses were shut. Bars were allowed to stay open, but not churches. (Although mine stayed open). Thomas Jefferson said "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I agree with both. |
10. Who is the ultimate authority over the health and safety of the people in your city/town? | We citizens are the ultimate authority. The sheriff is supposed to protect the citizens, including from un-Constitutional encroachments. |
11. Are you endorsed by other organizations? If so, which ones? | The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is delighted that I am running. There is no formal endorsement; AAPS is a nationwide group of physicians of all specialties, whose motto is "Omnia pro aegroto" which means "All for the patient." is our website. You do not need a username, password, or money. Locally, the America First Southwest Florida Caucus and the Republican Assembly Club will list me as endorsed on their voter guides. |
12. Do you support making laws to protect life keeping in mind there are many views on what this means? | Yes |
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