Name | Irene Armendariz-Jackson |
What office are you running for? | US House Representative District 16 |
County, District/Township | El Paso |
Address | P.O. BOX 972683 El Paso, Texas El Paso Map It |
Phone | (915) 494-2851 |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |
Are you currently the officeholder and seeking re-election? | No |
Is this your first time running for office? | No |
Election Date | 11/05/2024 |
Website | |
Social Media Handles | Instagtam @Borderireneforcongress |
1. Provide the top 2 reason why you want to run for office. | I am very concerned about the direction our country is taking. I believe that many citizens have ignored our political process and those in power have taken advantage of this and have used unconstitutional powers to impose draconian policies that endanger Americans. It is time for the people to take our country back and we do it through our election process. |
2. Name the top 2 issues in your county, state, or federal district that you wish to address and how? | Secure the border and we do it by enforcing the law. The Democrats have bundled up immigration and border security and have used emotion to convince many Americans that allowing millions of unvetted illegals in is the right thing to do and if you stand against it you are racist. My parents immigrated legally and they, like many are against what the Biden administration is doing. |
3. Do you support defunding the police? | No. The police represent protection against the criminal activity of those who would victimize law-abiding citizens. As the wife of a retired Border Patrol Agent, I know any law enforcement's purpose is protection, without the police we would plummet into chaos. |
4. What are your thoughts on “Diversity Equity and Inclusion”? Should this be implemented as training for county/city/federal employees? Why or why not? | No, we live in the best country in the world, and if anyone wants to succeed all they have to do is work hard. Inclusion is another word for socialism. |
5. With growing pressure to accommodate various lifestyles/identities how would you manage to keep your city/town safe and family friendly? | I am already helping others run for local office like school board and city and county positions. We need more Republicans in office to control the expansion of these perverse ideologies and I will continue to do so. |
6. Do you think involving residents in decision making in your city/town is important? Why or not? | We should involve the residents because every decision the city and country take has a price tag behind it and the taxpayers are the ones who pay the price. |
7. If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city/town/county any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why? | I would fix our streets. Our streets are bad and they wear on the tires and the vehicles, with the economy the way it is, buying new tires or a new vehicle is a burden for the middle class. |
8. What is your opinion on sanctuary cities/autonomous zones within your city/town? | We should not have any places that encourage illegal activity, I am against it. |
9. What are your thoughts on mandating the closure of privately owned businesses due to public health concerns aside from code violations? | The pursuit of happiness includes being able to provide for your family and these privately owned businesses do exactly that; also; they are the engine of our economy. |
10. Who is the ultimate authority over the health and safety of the people in your city/town? | It should be the people. |
11. Are you endorsed by other organizations? If so, which ones? | Ken Paxton, Sid Miller, LUCA, RNHA |
12. Do you support making laws to protect life keeping in mind there are many views on what this means? | Yes |
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